Rating Rationale
August 09, 2024 | Mumbai
Bharti Airtel Limited
Ratings reaffirmed at 'CRISIL AA+/Positive/CRISIL A1+'; NCD Withdrawn
Rating Action
Total Bank Loan Facilities RatedRs.20000 Crore
Long Term RatingCRISIL AA+/Positive (Reaffirmed)
Short Term RatingCRISIL A1+ (Reaffirmed)
Rs.3500 Crore Non Convertible DebenturesWithdrawn (CRISIL AA+/Positive)
Rs.15000 Crore Commercial PaperCRISIL A1+ (Reaffirmed)
Note: None of the Directors on CRISIL Ratings Limited’s Board are members of rating committee and thus do not participate in discussion or assignment of any ratings. The Board of Directors also does not discuss any ratings at its meetings.
1 crore = 10 million
Refer to Annexure for Details of Instruments & Bank Facilities

Detailed Rationale

CRISIL Ratings has reaffirmed its ‘CRISIL AA+/Positive/CRISIL A1+’ ratings on the bank facilities and debt programme of Bharti Airtel Limited (BAL). Further, CRISIL Ratings has withdrawn its rating on the non-convertible debentures’ basis request from company. The withdrawal is in line with the rating withdrawal policy of CRISIL Ratings.


The ratings continue to reflect the company’s strong market position and healthy as well as improving operating performance of the domestic mobile and non-mobile segments, diversification across businesses, healthy operations in Africa, strong debt protection metrics and high financial flexibility. These strengths are partially offset by exposure to technological risks.


The improvement in the business risk profile is supported by recent broad-based tariff hikes of 17-19% on average taken by BAL in June 2024, which is expected to boost the average revenue per user (ARPU). This, accompanied with rising data usage with the adoption of 5G services leading to subscribers up-trading, will continue to drive growth in ARPU over the near to medium term. CRISIL Ratings does not estimate any major change in the market share of BAL, given the tariff hikes have been taken near-simultaneously by all three major telecom companies (telcos). However, consolidation of the overall subscriber base due to an increase in tariffs and any consequent impact on revenue will remain monitorable.


The operating performance of the company has improved sequentially over the past few years, resulting in healthy business as well as financial risk profiles. Consolidated revenue and earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) grew at compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~14% and ~20% over fiscals 2021 to 2024, respectively. This was largely driven by continued strong growth in the India mobile business (accounting for ~60% of consolidated EBITDA). The company had the highest ARPU in the India mobile services industry at Rs 209 during the quarter ended March 2024.


Besides, BAL also benefits from diversified operations in Africa along with presence in enterprise services, home broadband and dish-to-home (DTH) segments in India. Business segments such as home broadband and enterprise services are expected to see strong growth momentum, as seen over the last few years. BAL also continued to maintain strong EBITDA margins in these businesses. Therefore, going forward, the business risk profile is expected to be driven by expectation of sustenance of strong operating performance across segments.


The improvement in the business risk profile will also be accompanied by improvement in the financial risk profile due to moderation in capital expenditure (capex) over the near to medium term, resulting in better debt protection metrics.


The net leverage[1] of BAL improved to ~2.6 times in fiscal 2024 (compared with 3.0 times in fiscal 2023), despite large dues pertaining to spectrum purchase and adjusted gross revenue (AGR) led liabilities. Furthermore, with the part payment of the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) liabilities in the first quarter of this fiscal, the net leverage is likely to improve to ~2.5 times. As strong cash flow from the business is expected to contribute towards steady deleveraging, net leverage is expected to improve to even below 2.5 times in the near term.


Capex intensity[2] averaged 26% over the past two fiscals and is expected to moderate over the medium term as mass 5G networks have been established. Similarly, spectrum capex is also likely to reduce as most of the spectrum purchase was completed in fiscal 2023. BAL had acquired significant spectrum for a total consideration of Rs 43,084 crore in the spectrum auction held in August 2022 to initiate pan-India 5G rollout. Compared with that, in the latest auction in June 2024, BAL has won Rs 6,857 crore worth of spectrum, of which the majority was for renewal of expiring licenses.


Spectrum investment may continue in Africa, and overall, capex outlay for the Africa mobile business is expected to be stable. A higher-than-expected outgo towards network layout or on spectrum acquisition, which could have a bearing on the overall financial risk profile, will continue to remain a key rating sensitivity factor.


Overall, the ratings continue to reflect the company’s strong market position and healthy, as well as improving, operating performance of the domestic mobile and non-mobile segments, diversification across businesses, resilient operations in Africa, healthy debt protection metrics and high financial flexibility. These strengths are partially offset by exposure to technological risks.

[1]Net leverage is calculated on the basis of gross debt including deferred payment liabilities, lease obligations minus cash and equivalents.

[2]Capex (as reported by the company) as percentage of revenue

Analytical Approach

CRISIL Ratings has combined the business and financial risk profiles of BAL’s India, South Asia and Africa operations. This is because BAL has majority ownership (more than 50%) in these entities.


Please refer Annexure - List of entities consolidated, which captures the list of entities considered and their analytical treatment of consolidation.

Key Rating Drivers & Detailed Description


  • Strong market position and continued healthy operating performance of the domestic mobile services segment

BAL has a healthy subscriber base and revenue market share with pan-India network. As per the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, the company had a wireless subscriber base of 35.2 crore as on March 31, 2024 (market share of ~33%). Revenue market share (including national and international long distance) was strong at ~39% for the quarter ended March 2024. Furthermore, BAL has large spectrum holdings spread across various bands which fortify its market position.


As on March 31, 2024, 4G/5G subscribers accounted for over 90% of BAL’s data customer base. It continues to sustain the highest ARPU over the last couple of fiscals. It is expected to continue to improve, led by rising data usage and planned tariff hikes, thereby aiding cash flow generation over the medium term, which will be monitored.


  • Healthy and diversified operations in African and non-mobile businesses in India

The consistent improvement in Africa operations is demonstrated by the increase in revenue (on a constant currency basis) on account of the increasing subscriber base and stable ARPU. In fiscal 2024, the operating profit of the African business improved by ~21% (on a constant currency basis) while operating margin remained at 48-49%. However, currency devaluations in key geographies continue to impact overall revenue and EBITDA. Devaluation of Nigerian Naira twice in fiscal 2024 (Nigeria accounts for ~40% of the African mobile business) affected the performance in rupee terms due to currency translation impact. While fundamental growth is expected to continue over the medium term, led by growth in data and mobile money businesses, the extent of impact of currency fluctuations will be monitored.


Operating performance and scaling of non-mobility businesses in India (accounting for ~15% of consolidated EBITDA), especially, home broadband and Airtel business services, has also remained strong. Home broadband and Airtel business services had healthy EBITDA margin at ~50% and ~40%, respectively, in fiscal 2024, despite competition. Along with improvement in the mobile business in India, this will continue to generate strong cash accrual.


  • Healthy financial risk profile aided by strong debt protection metrics and financial flexibility

Overall gross debt of BAL stood at Rs 2,15,631 crore as on March 31, 2024, of which 48% were for deferred spectrum and AGR dues to DOT, 30% were in the form of lease liabilities and only balance 22% was external debt. Despite substantial spectrum liabilities, the financial risk profile of BAL remained healthy, aided by improving operating performance. With strong cash accrual expected, going forward, the cash flow is expected to be utilised for deleveraging.


Moreover, diversification across businesses and the strong reputation of the promoters continue to support financial flexibility. The company has a track record of raising significant funds at competitive rates in the domestic and overseas markets. Besides, the management has also demonstrated its financial flexibility by raising significant equity over the past few years. For instance, in August 2021, BAL announced fundraising of ~Rs 21,000 crore through partly paid rights issue, of which only 25% have been utilised so far and the balance can still be called. That said, any larger-than-expected acquisition will be a key monitorable.



  • Exposure to regulatory and technological risks

Regulatory and policy changes play a central role in defining the risk characteristics of the Indian telecom sector. Its presence in multiple geographies exposes BAL to international regulatory risks as well. In Africa alone, operations are spread across 14 markets, with the top five countries accounting for about 2/3rd of the total revenue. Each market has its own regulatory environment and distinct consumer behavior patterns, which could have a bearing on the company’s business as well as financial risk profiles. That said, BAL has taken concrete steps in hedging the African balance sheet by paying off the holding company debt and converting the operating company debt into local currency.


The telecom sector also remains susceptible to technological changes, with capex cycles every 8-10 years. New technology in the telecom sector could necessitate fresh investments or overhaul of existing networks. For instance, with the launch of 5G services, players were required to significantly invest in laying networks even after incurring significant capex for 4G networks few years preceding that.

Liquidity: Strong

Cash and equivalent of around Rs 10,192 crore as on March 31, 2024, were entirely unencumbered. Strong cash accrual and existing liquidity should sufficiently cover debt obligation over the medium term. Capex (including the spends on acquiring new spectrum, if any) is likely to remain moderate over the medium term. Network capex is expected to be funded through internal accrual and liquidity.


Environment, social and governance (ESG) profile

CRISIL Ratings believes that Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) profile of BAL supports its already strong credit risk profile.


The telecom sector is exposed to material impact on the environment owing to higher electricity requirements at data centres and network infrastructure with increasing data consumption. Waste associated with end-of-life network equipment and hardware can pollute land resources as well. Telcos are also exposed to significant regulatory risk and operational disruption if data security breaches, loss of customer data and network disruptions occur. Moreover, the systemic importance of telecom services to society and the economy underscores the importance of resilient and accessible networks to the widest number of users. Ensuring access to affordable services for all customers is also relevant for companies’ reputations. BAL has continuously focused on mitigating its environmental and social risks.


Key ESG highlights (as of March 2024):

              The company has been taking various measures to optimise energy consumption, water consumption, waste generation, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and employee training and education.

                 For GHG emission, the company has adopted science-based targets for reducing Scope 1&2 emissions by 50.2% and Scope 3 emissions by 42% by 2031 (taking fiscal 2021 as the baseline).

                 For optimising energy consumption, the company has been working on solarisation of networks. About 15,045 of BAL’s network sites have been solarised in fiscal 2024 and rooftop solar plants have been installed across 30 locations at data centres and main switching centres with total installed capacity of ~82 megawatt peak (MWp).

              The company aims to achieve 100% wastewater recycling at all data centres and become water positive in the near future. During fiscal 2024, 16% of the water was consumed from recycled and harvested sources.

                For e-waste, the company ensures all scrap auctions are done through authorised partners who enable recycling.

             The governance structure is characterised by 55% of its board comprising independent directors, split in chairman and CEO positions, healthy investor grievance redressal and extensive disclosures.

                An ESG committee of the board and ESG management council have been set up to further sharpen the focus on ESG efforts.


There is growing importance of ESG among investors and lenders. BAL’s commitment to ESG principles will play a key role in enhancing stakeholder confidence, given its moderate share of market borrowings in its overall debt and access to both domestic and foreign capital markets.

Outlook: Positive

The business risk profile will continue to benefit from its presence in diversified businesses and a healthy market position in the mobility business in India, while the financial risk profile will benefit from expected increase in cash accrual and moderation in capex.

Rating Sensitivity factors

Upward factors

  • Sustained improvement in market shares and operating profits for the mobile segments in India and Africa amid steady performance in other businesses
  • Sustenance of net leverage below 2-2.5 times, led by increase in cash accrual and timely execution of deleveraging plans


Downward factors

  • Decline in market share and operating profit impacting the business risk profile
  • Larger-than-expected capex because of technological changes or debt-funded acquisition leading to net leverage sustaining above 2.5-2.7 times, resulting in revision in outlook to ‘Stable’

About the Company

Headquartered in India, BAL is a global communications solutions provider with ~56 crore customers in 17 countries across South Asia and Africa as on March 31, 2024. The company ranks among the top three mobile operators globally and its networks cover over two billion people. Airtel is the largest integrated communications solutions provider in India and the second-largest mobile operator in Africa. Airtel's retail portfolio includes high speed 4G/5G mobile broadband, Airtel Xstream Fiber with convergence across linear and on-demand entertainment, streaming services spanning music and video, digital payments and financial services. For enterprise customers, Airtel offers a gamut of solutions that include secure connectivity, cloud and data centre services, cyber security, internet of things (IoT), ad tech and cloud-based communication. The company had 35.2 crore mobile subscribers in India and ~15 crore in Africa as on March 31, 2024.

Key Financial Indicators

As on / for the period ended March 31




Operating revenue

Rs crore



Adjusted profit after tax (PAT)

Rs crore



Adjusted PAT margin




Adjusted debt/EBITDA




Interest coverage**




Note: These numbers are adjusted for the analytical treatment of CRISIL Ratings and may not represent the numbers reported by the company.


** Includes interest costs on lease liabilities, bank charges, forex hedging costs and losses etc.

Any other information: Not applicable

Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument:
CRISIL Ratings` complexity levels are assigned to various types of financial instruments and are included (where applicable) in the 'Annexure - Details of Instrument' in this Rating Rationale.

CRISIL Ratings will disclose complexity level for all securities - including those that are yet to be placed - based on available information. The complexity level for instruments may be updated, where required, in the rating rationale published subsequent to the issuance of the instrument when details on such features are available.

For more details on the CRISIL Ratings` complexity levels please visit www.crisilratings.com. Users may also call the Customer Service Helpdesk with queries on specific instruments.

Annexure - Details of Instrument(s)


Name of instrument

Date of allotment

Coupon rate (%)

Maturity date

Issue size

(Rs crore)

Complexity level

Rating assigned with outlook


Commercial Paper



7-365 days





Non-Fund Based Limit^






CRISIL AA+/Positive


Non-Fund Based Limit^








Long Term Loan






CRISIL AA+/Positive


Long Term Loan






CRISIL AA+/Positive


Fund-Based Facilities^






CRISIL AA+/Positive


Proposed Long-Term Bank Loan Facility^






CRISIL AA+/Positive

^Interchangble between Fund Based (all categories’, including Intra-day overdraft) and Non Fund Based


Annexure - Details of Rating Withdrawn


Name of instrument

Date of allotment

Coupon rate (%)

Maturity date

Issue size

(Rs crore)

Complexity level

Rating assigned with outlook


Non-Convertible Debenture*







*Yet to be placed

Annexure – List of entities consolidated

Names of Entities Consolidated

Extent of Consolidation

Rationale for Consolidation

Bharti Hexacom Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Nxtra Data Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

SmarTx Services Ltd (up to November 18, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Telesonic Networks Ltd (up to Jan 31, 2023)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Digital Ltd (formerly, Wynk Ltd)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Ltd (Incorporated w.e.f. March 16, 2021)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Telemedia Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Indus Towers Ltd (Formerly, Bharti Infratel Ltd up to November 18, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Nettle Infrastructure Investments Ltd (up to Jan 31, 2023)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Services Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel International LLP

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Indo Teleports Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Congo RDC Towers S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Gabon Towers S.A. #

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Madagascar Towers S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Malawi Towers Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Tanzania Towers Ltd #

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Africa Towers N.V. (Liquidated w.e.f. December 31, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Africa Mauritius Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Africa Plc

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Nigeria B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce (Seychelles) B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Congo B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Kenya B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Madagascar B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Malawi B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Rwanda B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Tchad B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Uganda B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Zambia B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Africa B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Chad Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Congo Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Developers Forum Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Holding (Mauritius) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Overseas (Mauritius) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Gabon Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel International (Mauritius) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel International (Netherlands) B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Kenya B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Kenya Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Madagascar Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Malawi Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Mali Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Niger Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Nigeria B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Nigeria Holdings II B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel RDC Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Rwanda Holdings Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Services B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Tanzania B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Uganda Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Zambia Holdings B.V.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Celtel (Mauritius) Holdings Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Channel Sea Management Company (Mauritius) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Indian Ocean Telecom Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Montana International

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Partnership Investments Sarl

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Société Malgache de Téléphone Cellulaire S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel International (Mauritius) Investments Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce DRC B.V. (incorporated on April 9, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Gabon B.V. (incorporated on April 9, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Niger B.V. (incorporated on April 9, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Digital Services Holdings B.V. (incorporated on November 12, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce (Kenya) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce (Seychelles) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce (Tanzania) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce (Malawi) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Madagascar S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce (Rwanda) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Tchad S.A (formerly known as Airtel Mobile

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Commerce Tchad S.a.r.l.)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Uganda Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce Zambia Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Money (RDC) S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Money Niger S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Money S.A. (Gabon)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Money Transfer Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Mobile Commerce Congo S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Money Tanzania Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Mobile Commerce (Nigeria) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Money Kenya Ltd (incorporated on June 29, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Network i2i Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Network I2I (Kenya) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Network i2i (UK) Ltd (incorporated w.e.f. May 19, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel (Seychelles) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Congo (RDC) S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Congo S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Gabon S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Madagascar S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Malawi Plc

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Networks Kenya Ltd @

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Networks Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Rwanda Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Tanzania plc

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Tchad S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Uganda Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel (France) SAS

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel (Hong Kong) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel (Japan) Pvt Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel (UK) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel (USA) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti Airtel Lanka (Pvt) Ltd

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Bharti International (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Celtel Niger S.A.

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Networks Zambia Plc

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages

Airtel Africa Services (UK) Ltd (incorporated on November 2, 2020)

Fully consolidated

Strong financial and business linkages




Seynse Technologies Pvt Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Airtel Payments Bank Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Juggernaut Books Pvt Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Seychelles Cable Systems Company Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Robi Axiata Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

RedDot Digital Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation




Indus Towers Ltd (up to November 18, 2020)

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Indus Towers Ltd (Formerly, Bharti Infratel Ltd) (w.e.f. November 19, 2020)

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

FireFly Networks Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Bridge Mobile Pte Ltd

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Bharti Airtel Ghana Holdings B.V.

Equity method

Proportionate consolidation

Annexure - Rating History for last 3 Years
  Current 2024 (History) 2023  2022  2021  Start of 2021
Instrument Type Outstanding Amount Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Date Rating Rating
Fund Based Facilities LT 10750.0 CRISIL AA+/Positive 22-07-24 CRISIL AA+/Positive 27-12-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable 08-08-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable 29-11-21 CRISIL AA+/Stable CRISIL AA/Stable
      --   -- 23-11-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable 11-04-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable 28-09-21 CRISIL AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
      --   -- 22-03-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
Non-Fund Based Facilities LT/ST 9250.0 CRISIL AA+/Positive / CRISIL A1+ 22-07-24 CRISIL AA+/Positive / CRISIL A1+ 27-12-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable / CRISIL A1+ 08-08-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable 29-11-21 CRISIL AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 23-11-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable / CRISIL A1+ 11-04-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable   -- --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
      --   -- 22-03-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
Commercial Paper ST 15000.0 CRISIL A1+ 22-07-24 CRISIL A1+ 27-12-23 CRISIL A1+ 08-08-22 CRISIL A1+ 29-11-21 CRISIL A1+ CRISIL A1+
      --   -- 23-11-23 CRISIL A1+ 11-04-22 CRISIL A1+ 28-09-21 CRISIL A1+ --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL A1+   --   -- --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL A1+   --   -- --
      --   -- 22-03-23 CRISIL A1+   --   -- --
Non Convertible Debentures LT 3500.0 Withdrawn 22-07-24 CRISIL AA+/Positive 27-12-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable 08-08-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable 29-11-21 CRISIL AA+/Stable Withdrawn
      --   -- 23-11-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable 11-04-22 CRISIL AA+/Stable 28-09-21 CRISIL AA+/Stable --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
      --   -- 24-07-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
      --   -- 22-03-23 CRISIL AA+/Stable   --   -- --
All amounts are in Rs.Cr.
Annexure - Details of Bank Lenders & Facilities
Facility Amount (Rs.Crore) Name of Lender Rating
Fund-Based Facilities^ 500 Mizuho Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Fund-Based Facilities^ 500 MUFG Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Fund-Based Facilities^ 100 YES Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Fund-Based Facilities^ 2900 Citibank N. A. CRISIL AA+/Positive
Fund-Based Facilities^ 300 HDFC Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Fund-Based Facilities^ 500 Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation CRISIL AA+/Positive
Long Term Loan 900 Axis Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Long Term Loan 4800 HDFC Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 650 IDBI Bank Limited CRISIL A1+
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 350 Deutsche Bank CRISIL A1+
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 500 IDFC FIRST Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 250 Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 1500 ICICI Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 2000 Axis Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 1600 State Bank of India CRISIL AA+/Positive
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 900 Standard Chartered Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Non-Fund Based Limit^ 1500 IndusInd Bank Limited CRISIL AA+/Positive
Proposed Long Term Bank Loan Facility^ 250 Not Applicable CRISIL AA+/Positive
^Interchangble between Fund Based (all categories’, including Intra-day overdraft) and Non Fund Based
Criteria Details
Links to related criteria
CRISILs Approach to Financial Ratios
Rating criteria for manufaturing and service sector companies
CRISILs Bank Loan Ratings - process, scale and default recognition
Rating Criteria for Mobile Telephony Services
CRISILs Criteria for rating short term debt
CRISILs Criteria for Consolidation

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Prakruti Jani
Media Relations
CRISIL Limited
M: +91 98678 68976
B: +91 22 3342 3000

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Media Relations
CRISIL Limited
B: +91 22 3342 3000

Manish Kumar Gupta
Senior Director
CRISIL Ratings Limited
B:+91 124 672 2000

Anand Kulkarni
CRISIL Ratings Limited
B:+91 22 3342 3000

CRISIL Ratings Limited
B:+91 124 672 2000
Timings: 10.00 am to 7.00 pm
Toll free Number:1800 267 1301

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This rating rationale is transmitted to you for the sole purpose of dissemination through your newspaper/magazine/agency. The rating rationale may be used by you in full or in part without changing the meaning or context thereof but with due credit to CRISIL Ratings. However, CRISIL Ratings alone has the sole right of distribution (whether directly or indirectly) of its rationales for consideration or otherwise through any media including websites and portals.

About CRISIL Ratings Limited (A subsidiary of CRISIL Limited, an S&P Global Company)

CRISIL Ratings pioneered the concept of credit rating in India in 1987. With a tradition of independence, analytical rigour and innovation, we set the standards in the credit rating business. We rate the entire range of debt instruments, such as bank loans, certificates of deposit, commercial paper, non-convertible/convertible/partially convertible bonds and debentures, perpetual bonds, bank hybrid capital instruments, asset-backed and mortgage-backed securities, partial guarantees and other structured debt instruments. We have rated over 33,000 large and mid-scale corporates and financial institutions. We have also instituted several innovations in India in the rating business, including ratings for municipal bonds, partially guaranteed instruments and infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs).
CRISIL Ratings Limited ('CRISIL Ratings') is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CRISIL Limited ('CRISIL'). CRISIL Ratings Limited is registered in India as a credit rating agency with the Securities and Exchange Board of India ("SEBI").
For more information, visit www.crisilratings.com 


About CRISIL Limited

CRISIL is a leading, agile and innovative global analytics company driven by its mission of making markets function better. 

It is India’s foremost provider of ratings, data, research, analytics and solutions with a strong track record of growth, culture of innovation, and global footprint.

It has delivered independent opinions, actionable insights, and efficient solutions to over 100,000 customers through businesses that operate from India, the US, the UK, Argentina, Poland, China, Hong Kong and Singapore.

It is majority owned by S&P Global Inc, a leading provider of transparent and independent ratings, benchmarks, analytics and data to the capital and commodity markets worldwide.

For more information, visit www.crisil.com


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This disclaimer is part of and applies to each credit rating report and/or credit rating rationale ('report') provided by CRISIL Ratings Limited ('CRISIL Ratings'). For the avoidance of doubt, the term 'report' includes the information, ratings and other content forming part of the report. The report is intended for use only within the jurisdiction of India. This report does not constitute an offer of services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, nothing in the report is to be construed as CRISIL Ratings provision or intention to provide any services in jurisdictions where CRISIL Ratings does not have the necessary licenses and/or registration to carry out its business activities. Access or use of this report does not create a client relationship between CRISIL Ratings and the user.

The report is a statement of opinion as on the date it is expressed, and it is not intended to and does not constitute investment advice within meaning of any laws or regulations (including US laws and regulations). The report is not an offer to sell or an offer to purchase or subscribe to any investment in any securities, instruments, facilities or solicitation of any kind to enter into any deal or transaction with the entity to which the report pertains. The recipients of the report should rely on their own judgment and take their own professional advice before acting on the report in any way.

CRISIL Ratings and its associates do not act as a fiduciary. The report is based on the information believed to be reliable as of the date it is published, CRISIL Ratings does not perform an audit or undertake due diligence or independent verification of any information it receives and/or relies on for preparation of the report. THE REPORT IS PROVIDED ON “AS IS” BASIS. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAWS, CRISIL RATINGS DISCLAIMS WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHER WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ACCURACY, COMPLETENESS, ERROR-FREE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, NON-INTERRUPTION, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR INTENDED USAGE. In no event shall CRISIL Ratings, its associates, third-party providers, as well as their directors, officers, shareholders, employees or agents be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, exemplary, compensatory, punitive, special or consequential damages, costs, expenses, legal fees or losses (including, without limitation, lost income or lost profits and opportunity costs) in connection with any use of any part of the report even if advised of the possibility of such damages.

The report is confidential information of CRISIL Ratings and CRISIL Ratings reserves all rights, titles and interest in the rating report. The report shall not be altered, disseminated, distributed, redistributed, licensed, sub-licensed, sold, assigned or published any content thereof or offer access to any third party without prior written consent of CRISIL Ratings.

CRISIL Ratings or its associates may have other commercial transactions with the entity to which the report pertains or its associates. Ratings are subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by CRISIL Ratings. CRISIL Ratings may receive compensation for its ratings and certain credit-related analyses, normally from issuers or underwriters of the instruments, facilities, securities or from obligors.

CRISIL Ratings has in place a ratings code of conduct and policies for managing conflict of interest. For more detail, please refer to: https://www.crisil.com/en/home/our-businesses/ratings/regulatory-disclosures/highlighted-policies.html.  Public ratings and analysis by CRISIL Ratings, as are required to be disclosed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India regulations (and other applicable regulations, if any), are made available on its websites, www.crisilratings.com and https://www.ratingsanalytica.com (free of charge). CRISIL Ratings shall not have the obligation to update the information in the CRISIL Ratings report following its publication although CRISIL Ratings may disseminate its opinion and/or analysis. Reports with more detail and additional information may be available for subscription at a fee.  Rating criteria by CRISIL Ratings are available on the CRISIL Ratings website, www.crisilratings.com. For the latest rating information on any company rated by CRISIL Ratings, you may contact the CRISIL Ratings desk at crisilratingdesk@crisil.com, or at (0091) 1800 267 1301. 


CRISIL Ratings uses the prefix 'PP-MLD' for the ratings of principal-protected market-linked debentures (PPMLD) with effect from November 1, 2011, to comply with the SEBI circular, "Guidelines for Issue and Listing of Structured Products/Market Linked Debentures". The revision in rating symbols for PPMLDs should not be construed as a change in the rating of the subject instrument. For details on CRISIL Ratings' use of 'PP-MLD' please refer to the notes to Rating scale for Debt Instruments and Structured Finance Instruments at the following link: https://www.crisilratings.com/en/home/our-business/ratings/credit-ratings-scale.html